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  • What Are Goat Horns?
  • Where To Find Goats
  • How To Get Goat Horns

1.17 added goats to Minecraft, but it wasn't until 1.19 that the noisy mountain-dwellers were given a unique drop - goat horns. Arguably the first proper instrument to be added to Minecraft, these fun items can be used to signal your friends, lead a battle charge, or simply annoy everyone around you.

Goat horns are a little bit harder to get your hands on than regular old mob drops, however. If you want to get your hands on some goat horns, you'll need to be prepared to put in the time and the work. Fortunately, this guide will have everything you need to know to get started.

What Are Goat Horns?

minecraft goat horns

Goat horns are exactly what they sound like - the horns of goats. Once you obtain one, you can right-click while holding it to play a sound.There are eight goat horn variants:

  • "Ponder"
  • "Sing"
  • "Seek"
  • "Feel"
  • "Admire"
  • "Call"
  • "Yearn"
  • "Dream"

The sounds of the first four resemble the noise played by the Illagers' horn at the start of each wave of a raid, while the sounds of the latter four are more "out there".

Additionally, the last four horns can only be obtained from screaming goats (which make up a mere two percent of goat spawns), while the first four can only be obtained from regular goats. The last point to note is that if you're playing Bedrock Edition, "Dream" is instead called "Resist".

Where To Find Goats

minecraft goats frozen peaks

Goats spawn in the jagged peaks, frozen peaks, and snowy slopes biomes. Essentially, if you see a snow-capped mountain, there's a decent chance it'll have some goats. Goats spawn on world generation, and then more slowly afterward, so to get the highest number of goats as quickly as possible, kidnap two goats when you first reach the biome and breed them to get more.

You can of course attempt horn-gathering on-location, but given how many horns there are, and the fact you'll need screaming goats, breeding up a goat farm is basically a requirement if you want all the horns.

How To Get Goat Horns

minecraft one-horned goat

Goat horns might just be the most complicated mob drop in all of Minecraft. If you're in survival, and not on peaceful difficulty, there's a chance goats will ram you. Every 30 to 300 seconds, goats check to see if any nearby mobs have been entirely stationary. If they have, the goat will attempt to ram that mob. Therefore, to have a goat ram you, you have to stay completely still. It can take a while, but just don't move at all, and eventually, one of them will charge.

If the goat hits you, nothing will happen, but if you can get out of the way in time and have the goat hit a wall behind you, it'll drop its horn. However, this only works if the wall was made of log, stone, packed ice, iron ore, copper ore, or emerald ore. It's fine if these blocks were placed by the player, but the goat has to hit a material that would naturally generate in its home environment for its horn to drop - use any blocks other than the ones listed, and the goat won't drop a horn, even if it hits the wall. It should also be noted that baby goats cannot drop horns, due to not having any in the first place.

minecraft goat about to charge

Getting out of the way of a charging goat is easier said than done. They charge fast and the animation that telegraphs the incoming attack is brief. The goat will face directly towards you and bow its head lower than usual. At this point, get out of the way - the goat is locked into its charge, so you're free to try and dodge it. If you're successful, you'll be rewarded with one or two goat horns - sometimes goats lose one horn, other times they lose both.

Assuming you have a farm set up to breed goats, the best way to get horns is to build a long enclosure with walls made out of one of the aforementioned blocks. Get a goat at one end and stand at the other, and the length of the area should give you time to get out of the way once you see the charge-up animation. Keep in mind that goats can jump incredibly high, so anywhere you're trying to contain them will need very high walls or a roof.

minecraft pillager outpost

If you don't care about having every goat horn, there is a (slightly) easier way. The ultra-rare Pillager Outpost structures have goat horns in their chests - each Outpost is actually guaranteed to contain one goat horn. However, only the non-screaming goat horns can be obtained this way, meaning that if you want the full set of eight, breeding and dodging rams is a necessity.

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